if you use one we will refund your order and restock the item for someone else to buy.
these items are pick up only. please carefully read pick up details below. there is a small window in which you can pick up these items. if you buy them, you're agreeing to this timeline.
we have 2 of these, the listing is for 1, so if you want both, add two to your cart.
we designed these ourselves and had a local woodworker make them.
46.5 long, 21.5 wide, 51 inches tall (including the wheels). three sides are open so customers can see what's hanging, the back side has a peg wall for more storage and display. each rack comes with three wood shelves and 8 wooden pegs. heavy, but wheels make it easy to move around your space. does not break down at all so it'll need to fit in your vehicle as is.
in the photos we have two right next to each other, but they are open on all three sides.
pick up details:
you are responsible for pick up & load out. pick up will be at our shop. please bring people to help you load out if you are picking up a large item. pick up dates are as follows:
- sunday may 28th 5pm - 7pm
- monday may 29 - tuesday may 30th 10 am - 8 pm
- wednesday may 31st - 9 am - 2 pm
if you purchase, we will send you a sign up genius link via email for you to select a time in which you will come and pick up your items, so we know when to expect you.